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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sleep and Olive Oil

06.16.13  My bed just after a deep slumber.
 Notice the white towel on my pillow?  It is a clean white towel so that I can throw it in the washer and bleach it, if I have to bleach.  The towel is there to protect my pillow case and the foam from oil. 
06.16.13  Green bulb syringe from Debrox and evoo in a 3oz Dixie cold cup.

The following pictures are of the result from yesterday's mini trial of evoo (Extra Virgin Olive Oil).  After I washed my head with mild shampoo (Bioglo's Goat's Milk with Dr. Teal's Epsom Salt-my combination), I generously lathered evoo first using the bulb syringe above to distribute oil on my scalp.

06.16.13  Left ear, hairline.  It is still red along the hairline from forehead and back.  However, no scales can be seen on the surface of my left ear and the hairline.

06.16.13  Another picture left ear, hairline

06.16.13 A closer look at the left ear and hairline.
06.16.13  Right ear, hairline

06.16.13  Hairline

06.16.13 Accumulating dead skin cells are just flaking off from the surface of my scalp and ear with the help of evoo

06.16.13  Forehead, still read and inflamed with the guttate spots

06.16.13  Chin, hormonal
Levels:  Mild, Moderate, High

Anxiety:  Moderate
Stress:  Moderate
Tiredness:  Moderate
Sleep:  ~8 hours

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