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Friday, June 7, 2013

Psoriasis Journey #1

I've tried a slew of media for promoting Psoriasis awareness.  From Youtube to running, trust me, I've done a lot to help promote awareness.  So here, I will be posting photos anonymously of my body parts afflicted with Psoriasis.

My brief profile:
Ethnicity:  Asian, Filipina
Age:  23 years old
Current Medication:  Taclonex ointment/suspension for body and scalp; on and off
Health:  I was diagnosed in November 2009.  Prior to psoriasis, I was an active high school student going on to college with big dreams and goals to achieve.  Healthy and brilliant with very smooth and flawless skin, yes, I had no pimples nor skin discoloration at all even during times of stress and duress.  Everyone envied my beautiful skin. 

However, the pictures below tell a different story one that contradicts the statement I just typed above. 

My poor forehead.  I have guttate psoriasis.  Redness after 2 days of using Taclonex scalp.
Chin pimples possibly due to Taclonex medication.  I've been using Taclonex sporadically throughout for almost a year.
Psoriasis behind the right ear and earlobes.

Psoriasis behind my left scalp (and left ear, not shown)

Right elbow.  This used to be just a nickle-sized plaque eight months ago.  Now, I have a nickle-sized plaque plus more little ones surrounding it.

 I had no plaques eight months ago, but now I have about six small plaques on my left elbow.

My purpose here is to blog my experience and the progress of the medication's effectiveness on my upper body.  I am solely focusing on the medication Taclonex right now.  This is day one.

My words are sparse, but definitely expect me to post updates weekly.  That is a promise.

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