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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Experiment Week 1 and Week 2

July 22nd, 2013
I've updated this entry twice since its inception.  This is still an incomplete post. 
In summary, the products I am using are:

1.  Personal Care Therapeutic T-Plus Gel Shampoo
2.  Organix Moroccan Argan Oil Conditioner
3.  Vaseline Petroleum Jelly

4.  Nature's Way Fish Oil Capsules (I break the capsules and slather fish oil directly on my skin)
5.  Jergen's or Aveeno lotion
6.  Eucerin Original Healing emollient
7.  Bragg's Vinegar with the mother (for exfoliation, I apply directly on skin; sometimes)

8.  Bragg's Vinegar with the mother (follow the directions; I drink at night)
9.  Ultimate Flora 30 billion Probiotics (in the morning 20 minutes before breakfast)
10.  The Vitamin Shoppe Fish Oil (1 tablespoon 20 minutes before breakfast)
11.  Natural Factors D3 (only when I know sun is limited)

Throughout the experience...

07.10.13  Right elbow

07.13.13 Left leg

07.13.13  Right leg; at the point, stubborn psoriasis ?

07.16.13 Left elbow

07.16.13 Left leg

07.16.13 Right leg

07.19.13 Left leg

07.19.13 Right leg

07.19.13 Right leg

07.19.13 Left leg

07.19.13  Chest

07.19.13 Left elbow

07.19.13 Right elbow

07.23.13 Forehead and scalp

07.23.13 Chin

07.23.13 Chin

07.23.13 Left elbow

07.23.13 Right elbow

07.23.13 Left leg

07.23.13 Right leg

07.23.13 Chest

07.23.13 Chest
07.19.13  I have spots on my abdomen, too...psoriasis is not discriminatory

Week 1:  June 23rd - June 30th
Observation of skin:  Red and multiplying, no plaques
Observation of scalp:  Red and slight flakiness

No pictures because my skin looked like the previous photos with less scales on skin now.  No need to produce more when result is insignificant.  I will post pictures after Week 1 of this experiment.

First and foremost, I'm bleaching my entire bathroom from shower head to tub, everywhere.  I want no molds and germs lurking in my territory.  

My routine for treating psoriasis, Week 1

Product:  Personal Care Therapeutic T-Plus Gel Shampoo, 8.5 oz
Country:  Canada
Active Ingredient:  Solubilized Coal Tar Extract 2.5% (Coal Tar, 0.5%)
Store:  Jewel-Osco (or some Amazon reviewers say Dollar Tree)
Price:  $1.00

Amazon Reviews

Product:  Organix Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo
Country: USA
Active Ingredient: 
Store:  Target (Wal-Mart, Ulta, Target...)
Price:  $

Product:  Organix Moroccan Argan Oil Conditioner
Country:  USA
Active Ingredient: 
Store:  Target (Wal-Mart, Ulta, Target...)
Price:  $

Product:  Packer's Pine Tar soap

Product:  Smart Sense Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 quart
Country:  USA
Acidity:  5%
Store:  K-Mart
Price:  .99 cent

Product:  Eucerin

Product:  Aveeno

June 30th:  Right elbow with processed apple cider vinegar

June 30th:  Left elbow with processed apple cider vinegar
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 2:  July 1st - July 7th
...of continuous treatment using the products mentioned above...
July 4th: inner portion no psoriasis

July 4th:  Right leg, about 13 psoriasis spots

July 4th:  Right elbow, I don't know why at that particular day the elbows were flaky

July 4th:  Left elbow

July 6th:  Left elbow, minimal redness

July 6th:  Right elbow, minimal redness

July 6th:  Left leg

July 6th:  Right leg

1.  Only 1 day of resulted psoriasis plaques
2.  99% plaque free
3.  Redness and new spots, inflamed.
Therefore, I will happily continue this treatment of moisturizing scalp and skin to prevent plaque formation.  For inflammation, I visited The Vitamin Shoppe and was greeted by a Health Enthusiast.  By far, the best salesperson in the world!

Internal treatments for improved immune system and reduce inflammation/redness
Product:  The Vitamin Shoppe Omega 3 Fish Oil
Active Ingredient:  800 EPA, 500 DHA
Store:  The Vitamin Shoppe

According to the Health Enthusiast at The Vitamin Shoppe, psoriasis sufferers or people with specific chronic skin conditions, numerical values of EPA and DHA must add to 2000-5000 omega 3.  The 800 EPA/500 DHA with other omega 3 add up to 1,500.  Recommended intake specifically for me is 3 teaspoon everyday for 2 months.

Product:  Natural Factors Vitamin D-3
Active Ingredient:  5,000 UI
Store:  The Vitamin Shoppe
 For the absorption of calcium.  Since I don't get out much in the sun (preferable sun exposure is 15 minutes a day) this product will help me with the recommended intake of Vitamin D.
Product: Probiotics
Active Ingredient: 
Store:  The Vitamin Shoppe
Product: Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
Active Ingredient: 
Store:  The Vitamin Shoppe
All products must be refrigerated upon opening to prevent spoilage.
More pictures to follow for the next 2 months of experimentation using only these products to treat my psoriasis!

Coal Tar Solution

Below, I pasted information found that succinctly explained the mechanism of coal tar.  


How does it work?

Coal tar solution contains coal tar as the active ingredient.
Coal tar has been used in skin conditions for hundreds of years, but it is still not fully understood how it works, mainly because it is made up of so many different compounds.
Coal tar has mild antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, and relieves itching. It is also absorbed into the skin cells and is thought to inhibit DNA replication in these cells. This slows down cell division and stops the cells from multiplying excessively. In turn, this reduces the thickening and scaling of the skin and clears up psoriasis plaques.
Coal tar may also work by breaking down keratin, a protein that forms part of the skin structure. This helps the skin cells shed from the treated area, thus reducing the thickening and scaling of the psoriasis plaques.
Soaking in a bath of warm water to which this medicine has been added softens the psoriasis scales and helps the coal tar penetrate into the skin cells.
100ml of coal tar solution should be added to a standard bath of warm water. Soak in this water for five minutes then pat the skin dry.

What is it used for?


  • This medicine is for external use only, diluted in bath water. Do not use the solution undiluted.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes, mouth and inside of the nose. Rinse with cold water if accidental contact occurs.
  • Do not use this product in your bath if you have broken, inflamed or infected areas of skin.
  • If skin irritation or acne-like eruptions occur, stop using the medicine and consult your doctor.
  • This medicine may stain skin, hair or fabric.
  • Coal tar increases the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight. You should avoid exposing the skin to direct sunlight after using this medicine.

Not to be used in

  • Sore, inflamed psoriasis
  • Variant of psoriasis where blisters or pustules containing fluid appear on the skin (pustular psoriasis)
  • Severe psoriasis, with a rapid onset and short duration (acute psoriasis).
This medicine should not be used if you are allergic to one or any of its ingredients. Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you have previously experienced such an allergy.

If you feel you have experienced an allergic reaction, stop using this medicine and inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Certain medicines should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, other medicines may be safely used in pregnancy or breastfeeding providing the benefits to the mother outweigh the risks to the unborn baby. Always inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, before using any medicine.
  • This medicine is not expected to have any harmful effects when used during pregnancy. However, as with all medicines, it should only be used on the advice of a doctor, particularly during the first trimester.
  • This medicine is not expected to have any harmful effects when used by breastfeeding mothers. However, as with all medicines, it should only be used on the advice of a doctor.

Side effects

Medicines and their possible side effects can affect individual people in different ways. The following are some of the side effects that are known to be associated with this medicine. Because a side effect is stated here, it does not mean that all people using this medicine will experience that or any side effect.
  • Skin irritation
  • Acne-like eruptions
  • Increased sensitivity of the skin to sunlight
The side effects listed above may not include all of the side effects reported by the drug's manufacturer.

For more information about any other possible risks associated with this medicine, please read the information provided with the medicine or consult your doctor or pharmacist.

How can this medicine affect other medicines?

This medicine is not known to affect other medicines.

Other medicines containing the same active ingredient

Alphosyl 2 in 1 shampooCarbo-Dome creamClinitar cream
Clinitar shampooCoal tar pasteExorex lotion
Pentrax shampooPsoriderm bath emulsionT/Gel shampoo
Last updated 14.03.2007

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Psoriasis Journey #3

Rise and shine!
Topic of today:  Eucerin and Organix's Moroccan Argan Oil

I've been applying Eucerin's Original Healing tub 16 oz all over my body for two days.  I've read reviews that for some psoriasis sufferers, it completely treated their psoriasis.  For others, it lessened the appearance of inflamed skin.  I bought two tubs.  Eucerin is an emollient, therefore the content is very sticky and gooey.  After a quick, cool shower, I massage Eucerin on my skin to distribute.

I wish the lighting could be consistent to really see differences from previous photos.

06.22.13  Forehead
 Treatments:  Sun, sunscreen, Cetaphil (face wash), Yes to Cucumber moisturizer, and SLEEP
~My skin not as inflamed as last week.  The spots are getting, smaller and sometimes not apparent. However, scalp is still scaling and inflamed.  (Though, my hair is luscious from Organix products)

06.22.13  Chin
 Treatments:  Sun, sunscreen, Cetaphil (face wash), Yes to Cucumber moisturizer, and SLEEP
~I'm due for my period sometime this week.  No acne, just post hyperpigmentation of acne scars.  It's evident that I'm happy.  My chin is finally clearing up!  I really believe it is due to sufficient sleep.  I sleep for approximately 7-8 hours.  In addition to adequate sleep, I do not eat dinner.
06.22.13  Right neck, reaction to olive oil treatment
My skin around the neck is really sensitive to oil, whether it be mineral oil, olive oil, or coconut oil.  Rash and redness are frequent reactions when my neck is irritated with oil.  Organix's Moroccan Argan Oil is okay for my skin because its chemicals are suspended.  The rash usually disappears in a week or a month.  Right now, I've been applying Flexitol Naturals Eczema and Psoriasis Cream for the area.  It gives a tingly feeling just like Vick's or Salonpas. 

06.22.13  Right ear and hairline

06.22.13  Left ear and hairline

06.22.13 Left ear and hairline

06.22.13  Left elbow

06.22.13  Right elbow

06.22.13 Chest
Anxiety:  MODERATE
Tiredness:  MODERATE
Sleep:  7-8 hours

I've been using Eucerin and Organix products for 2 days.  I deviated from my previous plan of using Taclnoex throughout the journey.  I decided I want to use less chemicals on my body.

Eucerin Orginal Healing 16oz tub:
-White color
-Sticky and gooey, thick
-RUB IT in AFTER SHOWER or BATH IMMEDIATELY to lock in moisture

Organix Morrocan Argan Oil:  Shampoo, Conditioner, Deep treatment
-First wash with the Organix shampoo to lift scales away from scalp
-Rinse shampoo
-Apply Organix conditioner on scalp and hair and leave for 5 minutes
-Rinse conditioner
-Apply Organix deep treatment moisturizer for 5 minutes
            -Apply generously onto scalp
            -Wrap tightly with plastic food wrap to create heat

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sleep and Olive Oil

06.16.13  My bed just after a deep slumber.
 Notice the white towel on my pillow?  It is a clean white towel so that I can throw it in the washer and bleach it, if I have to bleach.  The towel is there to protect my pillow case and the foam from oil. 
06.16.13  Green bulb syringe from Debrox and evoo in a 3oz Dixie cold cup.

The following pictures are of the result from yesterday's mini trial of evoo (Extra Virgin Olive Oil).  After I washed my head with mild shampoo (Bioglo's Goat's Milk with Dr. Teal's Epsom Salt-my combination), I generously lathered evoo first using the bulb syringe above to distribute oil on my scalp.

06.16.13  Left ear, hairline.  It is still red along the hairline from forehead and back.  However, no scales can be seen on the surface of my left ear and the hairline.

06.16.13  Another picture left ear, hairline

06.16.13 A closer look at the left ear and hairline.
06.16.13  Right ear, hairline

06.16.13  Hairline

06.16.13 Accumulating dead skin cells are just flaking off from the surface of my scalp and ear with the help of evoo

06.16.13  Forehead, still read and inflamed with the guttate spots

06.16.13  Chin, hormonal
Levels:  Mild, Moderate, High

Anxiety:  Moderate
Stress:  Moderate
Tiredness:  Moderate
Sleep:  ~8 hours